12 Amazing Ideas to Engage in Kitchen during FREE time
Coronavirus effect leads to lockdown in the country and at this time everyone is inside the home. So, here is the big challenge of How to engage yourself? We regularly try to keep ourselves and our kids busy but at one point in time, we start feeling like now what to do?
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How to Engage Yourself in Kitchen? To resolve this question, I am sharing few points which you can follow and spent your time in a fun and also engage yourself and your kids in some activities which helps them to learn few things about the kitchen and they will enjoy it.
Before going through this blog, I want you to ask your family member the same question: How to Engage Yourself in Kitchen during Free Time? and see what they responded!
Point 1. Improving Vocabulary
There are a lot many things in our kitchen to which we know with only one name like many of us don’t know the English name of pulses, spices, and even the names of utensils also. So, you can learn the other names of kitchen things from the Internet and start calling things with that name only. You can also label the containers of pulses, spices, etc with both Hindi and English so that you remember it always. This helps to increase your vocabulary with the Kitchen things. Sounds interesting!

Point 2. Change Decorum
You can change the decorum of the refrigerator which gives a new look to it. Sometimes, it happens that we keep some items in the refrigerator and forget it. While following this point we can check for such items also and place them near the door side.
Point 3. Check Containers
There are many big containers which we rarely open in daily routine like containers of rice, grains, papads, etc. During our free time, we can check for such items and do some hacks to prevent them from bugs. Like, to prevent rice grains we can keep cloves in the container. We can also do this with the containers of powdered spices and pulses too. While checking you can keep some whole spice(red chilies, coriander seeds, cardamom, etc) in the sunlight during the afternoon. This will increase their shelf life and prevents bugs.

Point 4. Plan Menu
Thinking about what to cook daily is a kind of tough task so you can make a menu day-wise and also for breakfast, lunch, snacks, and dinner. Make it on a page and paste on the refrigerator or on any wall of your kitchen. This way you save your daily time and also you can make list easily with available items, vegetables, and fruits present.
This method also helps in utilizing all the kitchen grocery things which we generally forget to use if we prepare food in a hassle. For example, we generally forget to cook Chole, Rajma, Vadis, and stuck on vegetables and pulses, so if you plan your meal before, then you easily ensure to use all these things.
Point 5. Easy Snacks
During Free time, you can prepare some long-lasting snacks for your evening time. It includes French Fries, Nuggets, Namakpare, etc. If you have kids at home then this point helps you a lot. During holidays, after every 2-3 hours kids feel hungry and every time they want something new. So, prepare some easy snacks and make them happy every time. The thing which needs to remember do not make them in bulk and make such things which require less energy than yours. For example, Bakarwadi, Potato Smileys, Crispy Mathri, Nimki, etc.
Point 6. New Tools & Gadgets
We all want to explore new things in our own interesting fields. One such field is to explore new gadgets and tools which are in trend. With this, we can gain knowledge about kitchen things and update ourselves with the latest technology. For example, different types of fruit cutters are now in the market like mango cutter, watermelon cutter, apple cutter, different types of choppers, etc. So you can search these types of things on the Internet or any shopping app and update your cart. Suggested you not to purchase during lockdown but after that, you can order it. These things will definitely enhance the beauty of the kitchen and we can save our time during regular days with these gadgets and tools.
Point 7. Information about Tools
There are so many kitchen tools, we are not very much aware of their different uses. Like, earlier I use a blender just to beat the cream to make whipping cream. Then, I started watching different uses of it on the Internet and now now I can use it in many ways like beating eggs, making butter from Malai, etc. Similarly, you can also check with your tools and find different interesting uses of that particular tool which makes us learn new things and techniques. Also, it makes our life easier.
Point 8. Grocery List
With the daily utilization of grocery things, things get less in stock slowly- slowly. So, in free time you can prepare the list of items which you need to purchase in the coming time. You can paste the list on the fridge or any other wall so that whenever you find any item which is going out of stock soon, it can be mentioned on the same list. This helps you to purchase all the things at the same time.
Point 9. Trying Hacks
Nowadays, kitchen tips and hacks videos are in fashion. You can watch such videos which help you to gain some kind of interesting facts about different things in the kitchen. Also, you can give a try to a few hacks that you find convenient. While trying, make sure not to waste any things especially eatables things, so choose the hack wisely before trying. For example, I saw an interesting hack of placing a fork on a tomato, then slice it in between the fork, this makes the slice of tomato equal in size. Cool hack!

Point 10. Teaching Kids with Actual things
We have kids in our home who also feel boredom while playing with the same toys. So introduce kitchen things to them with live examples. For 2-3 age groups, show vegetables, fruits, plates, fork, spoons, etc. Similarly for the 8-9 age group kids, teach them about the different kinds of pulses, spices and also tell them about the purpose of different utensils present in the kitchen. This way they learn about kitchen things and they have something new to do during their vacations.
Point 11. Poster Making
We can involve our kids in making some posters for the kitchen. Search some meaningful quotes or thoughts from the internet related to the kitchen and ask your kids to make it on any chart paper or A4 sheet or simply on any page of their rough note work. Help them in choosing different colors and styles while drawing. Paste it on any wall of the kitchen.
Also, teach them the meaning and purpose of the quote. This makes them seeking more interest in the posters. Likewise, you can engage them in making posters of the living room, kids’ room, etc.

Point 12. Storing Vegetables
Storing vegetables properly is a kind of hassle when you have a shortage of time. There are many such vegetables which we use on a regular basis like garlic, coriander leaves, green chilies and we need to peel these vegetables daily. But when we have a shortage of time, we sometimes avoid using them and the reason is it consumes a lot of time while peeling, So, to avoid this situation and ensure regular use, you can peel them in advance and store.
Like, peel a handful of garlic cloves in advance and store in an airtight container, remove the extra stem of coriander leaves and store in an airtight container in between tissues, and many more.
Hope you like reading this blog: How to Engage Yourself In Kitchen during FREE Time? Try out these things and engage your kids along with you and make them learn different kitchen things while playing.
Please let us know your reviews in the comments. Your suggestions are always welcome. Do not forget to share your food pictures with us on our Instagram page using #aromaofk or @aromaofk

Ideas to Engage in Kitchen

Best way to store vegetables

