About ME!!!
Hi, MY NAME IS Urvashi Singh.
I am a cook, author, creator, and photographer behind the Aroma of Kitchen.
I am glad that you land and stop here!!!
I am an Engineer by Education and a Cook by Passion.
I remember when I was a teacher, my friends love my lunch box-, and every day they were eager to see what new I brought to them. I love to prepare food for them and felt happy when they appreciate my experiments.
Cooking is my hobby and my husband inspire me to explore this from our Kitchen to the world.
About Aroma of Kitchen!!
Our motto is “This is what you feel about FOOD, not Just TASTE” which means when you start feeling for food while cooking, the dish definitely turns out delicious.
I started this journey in 2019 to keep all my recipes in one place so that it is accessible to me as well as to my near and dear ones.
In this space, I share mostly healthy, easy, and delicious recipes that are tried and tested by us. I believe that, If I wouldn’t eat in real life, I won’t put it on the blog.
We will try our best to make you fall in love with FOOD & you desperately want to cook it either for your family or for friends.
All the recipes will be posted with photographs of every step and videos (sometimes)of the particular recipe too. Also, you will also enjoy Dailylife Blogs section as this covers how the small-small kitchen items help in our daily life along with some other helpful blogs.
In the Shop section, you can find a detailed description of different kitchen items that helps you to make choices very clear.
Keeping In Touch
If you have any questions or just want to say hello, please write to me in the Contact Us below.
I would reply to you at the earliest! You can also keep in touch with me through Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram.
Thank you for supporting me in this journey!
Stay connected, Stay healthy